A New Study

July 21, 2024
So, I’ve been asked to perform the same analysis for another third-party couple that I have for the three charts in my third-party relationship that ended some time ago. I’m sort of intrigued by this, because I discovered some general principles in doing my analysis and am wondering if they will hold up if another third-party relationship is analyzed in the same way. Methodology: I am going to be picking the top 25-30 transits over the course of the relationship every three years to the present and then we’ll decide how far into the future we will go. The past transits will serve as a reality check (how many timelines do we see, and did one of them happen?), so when we get to the present and future ones, we will know exactly how much of our time we are and are not wasting. The general principles laid out when I did mine (although, in mine, I had all three charts and not just two) that I would expect to see in this analysis are:
  1. There should be something denoting the beginning of a new relationship in all charts analyzed, at the time it happened.
  1. Third party relationships should show some form of uncertainty. I wouldn’t be surprised to see tons of Uranus transits in at least one chart.
  1. Tons of warnings to stay out of power and control showed up in my transits. I would expect the same in any third party’s chart.
  1. One should expect to be able to group transits to form different storylines … unless, of course, there’s only one way it was ever going to work out. If we do see different storylines of equal weight, the outcome of the third-party relationship is a matter of free will.
  1. One should be able to tell if the third-party relationship ever had any chance of working out.
There are probably more, but I can’t think what. I’ll add more if more come to mind.
So as not to identify the parties, charts, birth information, or name placeholders will not go up here. The charts will just be M and F (since this wasn’t a gay relationship.)
GOOD transit analyses will be used to conduct this, i.e., NOT my own. I will be using Liz Greene and/or Robert Hand for this. Each of their transit analyses will be pared to a one-sentence summary for our purposes, and then I will try to sort them into timelines. Charts will of course be analyzed as well, but I will not put the querents’ charts up here for privacy reasons.

So … let’s GO. The first date is October, 2013. This date is important because this is when the “cheater” met the “third party.”

Transits for the female:
A Mars conj Sun, 5 degrees separating
Mars square Neptune
Mars square nodes
Mars square MC
Saturn square Sun, progressed Sun opp Saturn
Uranus trine Sun
Saturn opp Moon
Pluto trine Moon
South node conj Moon
Jupiter conj Venus (I am laughing my ass off at this one!)
Jupiter conj Mars (and this one)
Jupiter conj Jupiter (AND this one)
Jupiter sextile Uranus
Chiron sextile Moon
Jupiter trine Pluto
Jupiter is trine and sextile the nodes
Jupiter trine the MC
Progressed Moon opp Sun
Progressed Mars conj Sun
Progressed Moon square Moon
Progressed Venus sextile Venus, Mars, and Jupiter
Progressed Mercury square Mars
Progressed Venus conj Uranus (LMAO here, too)
Progressed Mars square Neptune
Progressed Venus conj Pluto (LMAO)
Progressed Mars square nodes
Progressed Venus sextile and trine nodes
Progressed Sun and Venus opp Chiron
Progressed Venus sextile MC
Progressed Mars square MC
Transits for the male:
Mars conj Pluto. This is really loose, but it’s approaching and going to be active over the years to come, so I’ll allow it.
A separating Saturn conj Sun, six degrees+
Neptune trine Sun
Approaching north node conj Sun
Jupiter square Mercury
Approaching Jupiter sextile Venus
Jupiter trine Mars
Saturn trine Mars
Pluto sextile Sun (separating) and Mars (approaching)
Chiron conj Mars, separating
Jupiter sextile Jupiter
Neptune square Saturn
Saturn square Uranus
Uranus trine Uranus
Nodes square Uranus
Neptune trine Neptune
Neptune conj Pluto
Neptune square the nodes
Saturn and nodes square Chiron
Uranus sextile Chiron
Uranus trine AC (OK, LMAO at this one, too)
Chiron square AC
Uranus conj IC, approaching (Don’t tell ME astrology is crap!)
Pluto square MC
Progressed Mars and Venus trine Moon
Progressed Sun square Venus
Progressed Venus conj Saturn
Progressed Moon square Saturn
Progressed Venus square Pluto
Progressed Venus conj the north node (Again, I say, STILL don’t believe in astrology???)
Progressed Mars, conj the IC (Again, still don’t believe in astrology??)